All About the Arabian Oryx (Diet, Facts, Habitat)

Arabian Oryx

When you look at the Middle East’s wildlife, you’ll notice plenty of unique animals that have adopted the distinctive climate of different locations for centuries. One of the unique creatures that can be found in Arabic countries, especially Qatar, is the Arabian Oryx. This unique antelope is the national symbol of Qatar, and it is classified as an endangered animal, displaying its significance and uniqueness even more. Today, we will go through Arabian Oryx characteristics and the best places to see it in Qatar.

Arabian Oryx Characteristics

Arabian Oryx, also known as white oryx, is the symbol of beauty and resilience that lives in the desert environment of Arabian countries such as Qatar. Wearing a white coat that glows under the sun with a dark and sturdy leg showcases the creature’s beauty in arid landscapes.

Arabian oryx also features a majestic slender pair of horns and can be used for survival in the harsh environment of the desert and to assert dominance. Arabian Oryx is considered a medium-sized antelope and is only one of four species of antelope that can live in the desert with ease.

Arabian Oryx Habitat

Arabian Oryx has lived mostly in the Middle East, and even today, it can be found only in the Arabian Peninsula. Throughout time, this animal’s population was threatened due to the major hunts that were reported.

Arabian Oryx Habitat
Arabian Oryx Habitat

Today, a large population of Arabian oryx has been extinct, and very few packs of them have been found in the deserts of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.

Furthermore, these countries have highlighted the importance of the Arabian Oryx to prevent its extinction. Arabian Oryx are truly magnificent and mainly live in the desert.

Their speed and endurance are the reasons that they can protect themselves from most of the predators and hunters.

The Best Place to See Arabian Oryx in Qatar

Arabian Oryx is precious in Qatar wildlife and has national significance. The best place to see Arabian Oryx in Qatar is the Al-Maha Sanctuary, which is called The Arabian Oryx Sanctuary.

This place is the only breeding place for the Arabian Oryx and attracts countless visitors from different parts of Qatar and worldwide.

It is considered that the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary produces 75-100 calves each year to avoid them from extinction. You can visit Al-Maha Sanctuary and see these beautiful creatures from close to appreciate their beauty and elegance.

The Arabian Oryx sanctuary also includes other animals, such as gazelles, and it is situated on the Dukhan Highway, close to the capital city of Doha.

Arabian Oryx Diet

Since Arabian Oryx live in the desert, one of the great points about them is that they can go for weeks without water, just like camels. Arabian Oryx’s diet includes mainly grass and a large variety of vegetation.

Arabian Oryx Diet
Arabian Oryx Diet

They can eat buds, herbs, fruit, and tubers. If you notice herds of Arabian Oryx in the desert, they will follow infrequent rains to find new sources of food for seasonal migration.

Why Oryx Is the National Animal of Qatar?

Arabian Oryx is the national symbol of Qatar. If you see the national airline, Qatar Airways, you will notice the Arabian Oryx in its logo. Moreover, it was the mascot of the 2006 Asian Games.

So, the Arabian Oryx is a powerful emblem and national symbol for this country. As a national animal, the Arabian Oryx holds a special place in the heart of the Qatari people and represents Qatar’s deep connection with deserts and heritage. Today, Qatar has made significant efforts to protect its legacy, Arabian Oryx.

Arabian Oryx Behaviors

The behaviors of Arabian Oryx are interesting. These lovely creatures usually live in hers of up to 10, and larger groups usually live in areas with abundant resources. They are highly active and social and have a powerful resilience to harsh environments of desert.

Adapting to extreme conditions and high strength have made them one of the most remarkable creatures that can be found in desert areas.

They are highly active in the early morning and late afternoon, and during the midday heat, they rest in the shade of shrubs or rocks to spend their hours sleeping.

Arabian Oryx Protected Area

Located in the southwest of Qatar, the Arabian Oryx Protected Area is a reserve for resettling Arabian Oryx, gazelle, and other endangered animals that can live in the desert.

Arabian Oryx Protected Area
Arabian Oryx Protected Area

Arabian Oryx Protected Area is a large area featuring sandy plains with hills and valleys, and it is an ideal home for the endangered species of antelopes, such as the Arabian Oryx, which is the national symbol of this country.

This place was opened as a protected area for Arabian Oryx in 1997, and it covers 55 square kilometers, known as the Al Masshabiya reserve.

How Many Arabian Oryx Are Left in the World?

Arabian Oryx is an endangered species of antelope. The estimated number of Arabian oryxes is not accurate but they have indeed become rare and many of them have been extinct.

It is believed that once more than 20,000 were in the wild and today, the number of them in the wild is less than 1,000. However, about 6,000 to 7,000 are held in captivity worldwide.

They can be found in zoos, preserve centers, and private collections. Arabian Oryx is a precious animal and was relisted in 2011 as a vulnerable animal and endangered.

Why Is the Arabian Oryx Endangered?

Arabian Oryx, which is known as a resilient animal with high strength, is on the list of endangered animals worldwide and has become rare all over the planet. One of the main reasons for this problem was human hunts and human activities.

Uncontrolled hunts for this animal, especially during the 19th and 20th centuries impacted the issue a lot, and this animal was heavily targeted for its horns and meat.

Arabian Oryx Facts
Arabian Oryx Photos

Moreover, as human settlements expanded, the natural habitat of these animals shrank and even were destroyed over time, but the biggest reason for the extinction of these animals or being endangered was uncontrolled human hunts that resulted in their population loss.

Arabian Oryx Facts

Arabian Oryx can go for weeks without water, like camels.

They can endure the harsh and difficult environment of the desert.

Arabian Oryx has a beautiful white coat and a brown leg, with striking horns.

Interestingly, the horns of Arabian Oryxes are made from hollow bone and cannot regenerate or grow back. So, if they lose their horns, they will look like unicorns.

Both male and female Arabian Oryx can grow to have horns up to 30 inches.

Arabian Oryx has great eyesight and detects movement from miles away.

Arabian Oryx has been showcased in Arabian poetry, art, and folklore, and it is the national symbol of Qatar.

Final Words

Arabian Oryx is a national symbol of Qatar and is one of the endangered species of antelopes. The national animal of Qatar is a symbol of resilience and strength, living in a harsh desert environment. Arabian Oryx is a beautiful type of antelope that can be identified by its white color in the desert. We recommend you see this lovely animal in Qatar and behold its beauty from a closer perspective.

Are you planning to travel to Qatar? Check out our Qatar tours, and Qatar transit tours. Maybe you will find it interesting to read things to do in Qatar.


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