
Zekreet Fort Ruins in Qatar

zekreet ruins

The place we introduce you to offers rich history and unique landmarks in Qatar. Zekreet Village is located on the west coast of Qatar, 90 km from Doha. There is an 18th-century fort in the village called Zekreet fort. Here is everything you want to know when visiting Zekreet Fort Ruins in Qatar.

The Construction of Zekreet Fort Qatar

This fort tells a story about the unique architecture and history of Qatar. The Zekreet Fort is among the best historical places in Qatar that amaze travelers who love the 18th-century area and history.

This fort went under construction in two phases. The square structure was constructed during phase one, but no towers had been constructed yet.

zekreet beach
Zekreet Ruins | Image source: Tripadvisor

Towers were added to the building during the second phase. A fun fact, the towers were never actually completed, so you can only find three of them.

If you are interested in 18th-century architecture and historical places, then this is the place for you.

What can you do around Zekreet Fort?

This fort, near the beach, is a great place to swim as the sun shines on you. It doesn’t matter if you come here with your family or friends, there is a lot of entertainment here for individuals.

zekreet fortress
Zekreet fort is near Dukhan | Image source: Tripadvisor

Remember to bring your food and refreshments because there are no restaurants or supermarkets nearby. The nearest restaurant or café is only in Dukhan.

Read more: Things to do in Doha

When is the best time to visit Zekreet fort ruins?

You can visit Zekreet fort anytime you desire since it is open all day/24 hours a day. However, it is better to visit zekreet fort before or during sunset due to temperature changes and other things in Qatar.

Is Zekreet fort has entry fee?

Since this place is open 24 hours a day and you can visit it anytime you want, there is no entry fee, and visiting here is entirely free.

Is the Zekreet fort worth to visit?

There are so many places in Qatar that you should stop by. The Zekreet fort near Dukhan is one of the most interesting places to see while in Qatar.

zekreet fort ruin
Zekreet beach is beautiful | Image source: Visit Qatar

You might wonder if the Zekreet fort is worth visiting. Well, the answer to that question is yes! This castle carries great history and magnificent architecture that can be a fascinating place for fans of history and culture.

How to get Zekreet fort?

There are many ways to get there, but renting a car is the best way. Renting a Four-wheel-drive might be more convenient to reach the Zekreet fort. Take the road to Dukhan for 80 km and turn right at the Zekreet junction. When you arrive at the village, drive toward the sea.


It is better to visit Zekreet in the morning. These 18th-century ruins can excite you if you are interested in historical and ancient places. If you have the opportunity to visit this site during your travel to Qatar, leave us a comment in the comments section about your experience.

Are you planning to travel to Qatar? Please read things to do in Qatar article & Check out our Qatar tours, and Qatar transit tours.


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